[i] NewZealand. Ministry of Tourism. Key Tourism Statistics February 2009. 11 Feb. 2009. www.tourism.govt.nz/Documents/Key%20Statistics/Key%20Tourism%20Statistics%20Feb2009.pdf.
[iii] Jones, Deborah, and Karen Smith. “Middle-earth Meets New Zealand: Authenticity and Location in the Making of ‘The Lord of the Rings.’” Journal of Management Studies. 42.5 (2005): 923-45.
[iv] Beeton, Sue. Film-Induced Tourism. Clevedon, England: Channel View Publications, 2005.
[v] Ringers: Lord of the Fans. Dir. Carlene Cordova. Narr. Dominic Monaghan. DVD. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2005.
Bock, Charlotte. Personal Interviews. 14-16 August 2008.
Horn, Henry (from Hobbiton farm). Personal Interview. 22 December 2008.
Huang, Josephine. Personal Interviews. 14-16 August 2008; 16 September 2008.
James, Raewyn. Personal Interviews. 27 December 2007; 14-16 August 2008; 24 October 2008; 9 December 2008.
James, Vic. Personal Interviews. 27 December 2007; 1 August 2008; 14-16 August 2008; 24 October 2008; 2 February 2008.
Knight, Susi. Personal Interviews. 14-16 August 2008.
Limoge, Denise. Personal Interview. 5 August 2008.
Matthews, Lisa. Personal Interviews. 14-16 August 2008. 20 September 2008.
Morganica, Dulce. Personal Interviews. 14-16 August 2008. 8 September 2008.
Other Consultations
Harrington’s Breweries. www.harringtonsbreweries.co.nz
Ingerton, Roger. Roger’s TattooArt. www.rogerstattooart.co.nz
“New Zealand Accent Explained.” YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr1TUE1doJ8
Stansborough. www.stansborough.co.nz
Wellington – New Zealand’s Capital City. www.wellingtonnz.com
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