
The original plan was to drive down to the lowest point of the set, and then make our way up the hill to end our tour at Bag End. However, a downed tree – no doubt a result of the strong wind that had sprung up since we’d arrived – impeded our progress.

“No worries,” Vic assured us, utilizing another favorite New Zealand phrase. He began backing up the way we had come. “And you think driving on the left is hard,” laughed Vic. “Try driving backwards on the left!” I didn’t really want to try it; driving normally in New Zealand (on the wrong side of the car on the wrong side of the road) was difficult enough. You don’t realize how programmed you are when it comes to turn signals and windshield wipers until they’re suddenly on opposite sides of your steering wheel.

As Vic got us turned around, Alec made a quick phone call to the Shire’s Rest to let one of the Alexanders know about the downed tree. We could get to the site from another direction, but the farm van that was already parked at the bottom of the hill would have a much more difficult time getting back out with giant tree roots blocking the gravel roadway.

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